Volunteer Stories: Steven
Follow our series of volunteer stories, here’s Steven’s story.
Seven’t stroke rehabilitation sessions were cancelled when pandemic restrictions came into place, so he wanted o find something else that could replace the sessions, while also getting out into his local community.
Steven’s stroke rehabilitation sessions were cancelled when pandemic restrictions came into place, so he wanted o find something else that could replace the sessions, while also getting out into his local community.
He began volunteering wit the Highbury Quadrant Regeneration Project, turning some unused green space into something the community can enjoy.
Steven’s knowledge about all things gardening has increased, and he’s also become involved with the Octopus Community Plant Nursery, taking part in online workshops.
Volunteering in both spaces has boosted his understanding of the different projects in Islington.
Steven feels that the time spent closer to nature has provided physical and psychological healing and has played an invaluable role in improving his recover. From gardening on the Highbury Quadrant, Steven also became involved in the online sessions Octopus ran during lockdown restrictions, improving his communication and social skills, and preventing the negative effects of this isolating time. Steven’s time as a volunteer with Octopus has led to him enrolling on a horticulture course, to build on the knowledge he has already gained.
“I feel healthier, calmer, fitter, more enlightened and I hope my connection with Octopus will continue and blossom into the future”
The Highbury Quadrant Estate is now home to a garden for the whole community to use, with raised beds, fruit bushes and food growing areas, as well as a community orchard.